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Junior Beekeepers! Bee Nation Needs You

Take my online Junior Beekeeping Course and start keeping bees at school or at home

You Need Bees

To find a healthy, happy bee family to put into your beehive, contact your nearest beekeeping association or club. Buy a nucleus colony or package of bees with a queen bee. Ask a local beekeeper to help you put your bees in their new home. Ask your beekeeping association to help you find a beekeeping mentor. Share the information you learn here with your mentor and then let he or she show you how to 'work' your bees.

You Need An Adult Helper​, Too

Your parent helper will make sure you have protective clothing -- a bee veil, gloves, and a suit -- so you can relax and enjoy your bees without worrying too much about bee stings. You and your parent help can find many books for you to read about honey bees and beekeeping. Your parent helper can help you select online videos and web sites that will add to your learning fun and help to make you a great junior beekeeper.

You Need A Bee Hive

Bees like hollow dark spaces for their homes with an entrance that is easy to protect. Beehives made of wood are a good choice. Top bar hives are easiest to use. Bees make their own wax and are allowed to eat their own honey. In the fall, take only the honey that is left after the bees have made enough honey to use in the winter time. Set your hive up in a sunny spot facing east or southeast. Bees gathering nectar and pollen must be awakened by sunlight to do this job. Make sure your bees will have a water source. Protect your beehive from high winds or damp, marshy ground.

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