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Become a Beta Game Test Site!

​Wouldn’t it be wonderful to teach youth cooperation, team skills, social empowerment and environmental stewardship through game play? How exciting would it be to access a unit of study which incorporates all these elements in a single resource?

What if these materials form a ready-made course in science, touching on etymology, biology, botany, horticulture and social/economic dynamics – all while reinforcing basic math, language and creative arts skills in young learners ages 8 - 14?


You are a leader, a teacher, or an education facilitator – perhaps  all three! Whatever your title, you make decisions about which educational materials the young people in your community use. By now, you may know that European honey bees world-wide face extinction by 2035. There are many complex reasons behind this dire forecast; one thing is certain, without resourceful intervention on behalf of sustainable habitat for our essential honey bee pollinators, our global food supply will be diminished.

Do you remember the time when recycling was unheard of? Today’s youth take recycling for granted, but the fact is not that long ago most of us didn’t appreciate the scope of the problem of house-hold waste. It took a group of innovators to introduce the impact of this problem in ways in which we could easily understand how our individual choices mattered. Once we understood why recycling was important and how we might make a difference, we were ‘taught’ how to recycle. Fortunately, these days most of us take recycling for granted. We don’t think twice about making the effort to sort our trash.

Visualize World Bees © has the very same goal. We are aware of the connection between honey bee pollinators and our fruit and vegetables, so we realize our interactions with honey bees matter. But how do we make a difference through our individual and collective choices? This ingenious board game describes the problem, expands awareness about the problem through play, subtly leading to a shift in thinking which includes young people as part of future solutions.























The beta test version of our game is a licensed educational product  accompanied by an in-depth study guide.  Visualize World Bees is as much fun to play as Monopoly, although it operates from a completely different premise: How many healthy honey bees will it take to feed 7+ billion people? Do we have enough healthy honey bees? If not, what must we do? What human behaviors will need to change?

Instead of accumulating game resources so one player is put in a winner-take- all-position arising from a win-lose competitive mind set, Visualize World Bees© rules of play are built on this fundamental concept: No one wins unless we all win.

Visualize World Bees: the Game of Environmental Transformation is available for beta testing in 35 states. Teachers and para-educators are invited to become regional game representatives.

By the way, this game concept is based on honey bee society, which is an amazing social model for all people. Bring this wonderful resource to your school, classroom, religious education program, recreation center, after-school activities plan, or Scout Troop.

We look forward you joining our beta testers community! Contact us today at


Anaiis Salles, Creator

Visualize World Bees © 2012 Anaiis Salles All Rights Reserved

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